Build a comprehensive wedding guestlist

Fabulous features to help you build a great guestlist

At the heart of your wedding are your guests, so having a powerful guestlist to invite, collate and collaborate on is an essential part of the planning journey.

Adding guests

In the "guestlist tab," there are two ways to add guest:

1) Add individuals directly into the guestlist:

  • Type the name of your guests directly into the table (like you would on excel)

  • Adding an email or phone number is recommended to identify the guest when they RSVP

2) Import an existing CSV file:

  • Click on the button with the 3 little dots, select "Import" and upload your file.

  • Basic files can be uploaded immediately and our system will automatically match names, emails and phone numbers

  • If your file is more complex, our team will upload the file for you! This is ready in 48-72 hours.

Once guests are imported, you'll see that each row represents an individual guest. You may wish to group them into households after importing (see households).

Creating households

Guests grouped in a household can RSVP for each other. Households can be families, partners or friends living together!

To create a household, select two or more guests and press "make household" in the toolbar. To remove someone from a household, open the profile of a guest who should be in the household – at the bottom of their profile you may add or remove guests from the household.

Ensure to add the phone number and/or email of the primary guest you expect to RSVP for the household, otherwise the system will not be able to identify them and allow them to RSVP for their whole group.

When a guest RSVPs on behalf of the household we'll send everyone a copy of their responses.

Adding plus-ones

To add a plus one to a guest, open the guest profile and scroll down to "plus ones". Here you can add a guest. All the fields are optional, so don't worry if you're not sure what their name is. When your guest RSVPs, they'll also be asked to include their plus-one's information.

Creating tags

Tags are a powerful way to group guests into broader categories, like A or B lists or if they are invited to special events like a "pre-party. In the RSVP section, you can set a question to only be seen by guests tagged "pre-party." (This only works if the guest has a phone number or email against their name, so that the system can identify them.)

We've provided some common tags but feel free to create your own and be as specific as you like!

Guestlist columns <-> RSVP responses

Columns with a sparkle icon are connected to your RSVP questions and light up purple when they are visible to guests. When you create a new wedding, some common questions are already set-up for you.

When your guests start their RSVP, we'll check your guestlist and attempt to identify them using their email address or phone number.

If a guest RSVPs and cannot be matched to the guestlist, they will be flagged for your review. You can choose to merge their response to an existing guest in the guestlist, add as new or ignore.

Hide and Reorder Columns

Feel free to hide any columns that are not needed, or to reorder them into something that works better for you!

Visualise responses

Visualise your guest data in groups by selecting "visualise" in each column. This is handy for summing up total number of meals or guests attending.

Bulk editing guest information

  1. Select the guests you wish to update using the tickboxes next to their names.

  2. Click on the 'Edit' button in the header to open the sidebar.

  3. Update any desired fields (e.g., attendance, meals, tags) all at once.

  4. Click 'Save' to apply the changes.

  5. Voila! All selected guests are now updated instantly."

Export into CSV & XLSX

You can export your guest list at any time by selecting the "export" option (top right of guestlist). View video here.


How does guest RSVP work with phone number only?

How can I collect guest emails, phone numbers and addresses?

Wedding planning as easy as falling in love 🖤

We are registered business in England and Wales, company number 12816943

With love from Belgravia, London

Wedding planning as easy as falling in love 🖤

We are registered business in England and Wales, company number 12816943

With love from Belgravia, London

Wedding planning as easy as falling in love 🖤

We are registered business in England and Wales, company number 12816943

With love from Belgravia, London