Manage wedding vendors in one place
Your enhanced contacts CRM
This feature update aims to revolutionize how planners manage their contacts and collaborate on vendor selections with their clients.
Effortless Contact Management: Easily store details about frequently used venues and vendors in “My Contacts” tab located in your main dashboard. Use the bulk upload feature to swiftly add contact information, important links, documents, and payment details.
Streamlined Vendor Selection for Clients: Within a wedding view, a new "vendor" tab allows you to add vendors for your couples to evaluate. Most information from your contact book is automatically populated, excluding "private notes" and "documents," which can be event-specific. Clients can view uploaded documents and update the status of vendors as "decline/tentative/confirm."
Here's a video explaining the steps below:
Step 1: Add to "My Contacts"
In the "My Contacts" tab in your dashboard, upload an invidiual contact by selecting "Add New" or upload many at one by selecting "Bulk Upload."
Download the Bulk Upload template, add your venue & vendor information, and reupload to the system. All your contact profiles will be automatically created for you.
⚠️ Add private notes for each contact - these will only be shown to you
⚠️ Add documents and images individually for each contact
Step 2: Add vendors into weddings for couples to review
Navigate to a wedding and click on the "Vendor" Tab
Click "+ Add Contacts" and select vendors from your contact book or add new. (Note: these additions won't sync back to your contact book). This duplicates the contact record into this wedding and key information like contact details, about, instagram and website links will be automatically copied from your contacts book (not your private notes).
Once a vendor is added to the board, click on "details" to add documents like quotes, brochures, contracts or notes to the vendor for your couple to access and review.
Your couple can update the status to tentative/confirm/decline to indicate which vendor they would like to proceed with. Any declined vendors can be removed by selecting edit > delete.
Once a vendor is confirmed, you can upload the payment milestones for each contact (multi-currency available].
These payments will be rolled up across all vendors on a weekly and monthly basis with automated email reminders.
Step 3: Add comments & collaborate!
Open vendor details & click on comments on the top left
Tag a collaborator in a comment: Use the "@" to tag a collaborator in a comment (eg. @joe) and they will be notified. You can add draft documents, emojis and keep all communications in one thread.
Reply via to comments email! Whenever you receive a comment, you will get an email. You can reply to that email to respond and your comments will update in the comments thread! This way you can work on the go. 💪